
Seven Days in the Magical Island of Madeira

There were so many highlights of my weeklong stay on Madeira Island, Portugal – breathtaking sea views, delicious food, and welcoming locals. Here is a photo diary of some of my favorite moments.

Sunsets at Savoy Saccharum Resort, Calheta – full review here

The quiet beach town of Calheta

Lunch at Restaurante Informal, Funchal – the best meal I had on the island (and only 15 euro prix fixe)

West of Madeira Tour by Dino at Summer Anatomy – can’t recommend enough. Favorite part of the trip.

Miscellaneous Snaps around Funchal

1 comment

  1. Thank you Adrienne! A wonderful, interesting, and useful summary of all beauties of Madeira! And also a perfect complementarity to Yelp: here the summary/overview, and on Yelp the details of the different places

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